Reto Wyss

Dr Reto Wyss


Iยดm the founder of the "Swiss Center for EFT" ( and since 2002 I trained EFT to more than 2000 people on all levels. I was taught EFT on a trainer level by Silvia Hartmann and Gary Craig himself. Iยดm the author of two well known German EFT books ("Overcoming stress with EFT" / "Tap yourself slim").

My formal educational background:
- studies in Socialwork (BA) and Expressive Arts Therapy and Psychology (MA), - postgraduate studies (CAGS) in Training, Leadership and Research
- doctoral studies (PhD), EGS, Leuk / CIIS, California / Musikhochschule, Hamburg
- certification in Expressive Arts Psychotherapies, in Neurolinguistic Psychotherapies and in meridian-based Psychotherapy and Counselling with European Certification of Psychotherapy ECP, World Certification of Psychotherapy WCP
- certified Trainer for Meridian-Energy-Therapies - Guild of Energists (
- certified Master Trainer of Emotrance
- certified EFT Trainer by the Guild of Energists (, EFT-DACH ( and ENI (
- certified Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner
- certified Coach and Team-Coach (systemic & solution oriented)
- certified Coach for โ€žThe Extraordinary GameTM", Pyramid Resource Inc., USA
- certified Coach PCC "Professional Certified Coach" by International Coach Federation ICF, USA



Dr Reto Wyss ist ein GoE Trainer und daher qualifiziert, viele dieser Qualifikationen zu unterrichten:

Dr Reto Wyss ist aufgefรผhrt in: Energist Trainers in Berne